

The ONYE OZI (The Messenger) Preview Series: Interview With Alloy Emeka Ezeji

Second in line in ICSN’s ONYE OZI (The Messenger) Preview Series is the interview with Mr Ezeji who plays the role of a bailiff in the film production…

Full Name: Mr Alloy Emeka Ezeji

State of Origin: Amanator in Ideator South Local Government  Area in Imo State Nigeria.
 alloy emeka
Is this your first film role?
Yes, this is my first film role in Nollywood.
What character do you play? Tell us a bit about him.
I play the bailiff in ONYE OZI. The wife of Metumaribe, Nkpurunma borrowed money from the bank to enable her bring her husband to London and could not pay back, and my company obtained a County Court Order and sent me to execute it.
What made you want to audition for ONYE OZI (The Messenger)?
I have always  wanted to be involved in the movie industry, so when this opportunity came after reading the script, I felt this was it. This is the first Igbo film to be produced in London and as an Igbo man, I have to give something back to my people by being a part of the production of ONYE OZI .
What has been the initial reaction from family and friends when you told them that you will be involved in the first ever Igbo language film in London?
My family and friends gave me their support and were all pleased that I am a part of this historic movie. Some of them in Nigeria, Germany, US and here in London will be at the premier and will also watch it online.
How different did it feel for you to act in an Igbo language film in comparison to English? Was it easier or harder, considering you had to learn the script in Igbo, etc?
To be honest, acting in an Igbo film has not been all that easy, despite the fact that the script was written in English and translated into Igbo. You still have to understand and practice so many times in order to play your character well.
I am from Imo State and some of the Igbo in the script might not be pronounced or spelt in my dialect, yet I have to speak them exactly how the producer wants it. There have been lots of things I have learned from ONYE OZI .
This film will defintely bring something new to Nollywood, being one of the few Igbo films being made. Considering the large number of Igbo actors/actress, directors in the Industry, why do you think there are very few Igbo films being made in comparison with other groups?
There are so many new things the Nollywood movie industry should learn from ONYE OZI, despite the fact that it was acted in Igbo Language.
This film will definitely revitalize the film industry due to the facts that so many new things were done in this movie, the aerial cinematography, matrix and some other beautiful flicks in it. Even the premier will be watched worldwide online. I believe this is the first of its kind in the movie industry.
The Nollywood movie industry honestly started in Igbo and over the years producers and directors have maintained the game of movie making in English. So we all have to applaud Mr Obi Emelonye who took a bold step to bring back Igbo Language on the global stage through ONYE OZI (The Messenger).
What do you wish for the outcome of ONYE OZI (The Messenger)?
Definitely, ONYE OZI will open so many doors of more movies and cartoons in Igbo Language. I am really compelled to inform the Nollywood Movie Industry that ONYE OZI gave birth to the formation of AFMAG-UK (African Film Makers & Actors Guild UK).
This is an organisation which incorporates all the facets of the African Movie Industry and is open to those aspiring to make a carreer in the movie industry to join. ONYE OZI (The Messenger)  will be the best movie produced in 2013 and will be a historic movie that could win the first Oscar Award for the Nollywood movie industry. I am pretty sure and passionate about this.
Any final comments?
Finally would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the cast and production crew who collectively with great effort made the production of ONYE OZI a success. I thank the almighty God for the strength, courage and safe journey and mercies he granted me and others to be part of the production of ONYE OZI. To God be the glory and my love to all my supporters and critics alike.
How can people contact you?
You can connect with me through my Facebook page:Alloy Emeka Ezeji, and via email:
Thanks also for the opportunity for this interview with you and your organisation.



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