

List Of Things You Should Know About Valentine.


February 14th, Valentine’s Day is celebrated by most of young and old people around the world. Saint Valentine’s Day is commonly known as Valentine’s Day. Many churches around the world also celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. During the 5th century, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as the St. Valentine’s Day. The Valentine’s Day was associated with love during the 15th century among the circle of famous English poet Geoffrey Chaucer.

By the 17th century the Valentine’s Day become popular among England, France, USA, Mexico, Canada and Australia. After the middle of the 18th century, this day become common among the friends, social circles and lovers.

Here is the list of things you don’t know about the Present Day Valentine’s Day:

Did you know who is called as the mother of Valentine’s Day? A student from Mount Holyoke College named Esther Howland created the first Valentine’s Day gift made of lace, ribbon and some colorful images. Later she was recognized as the Mother of Valentine.

Giving a card on Valentine’s Day has become a ritual in this modern world. Can you guess, who receives the most number of Valentine card? According to a recent research, it shows that “school teachers” are the most people to receive Valentine’s Day greeting cards from their fellow teachers, school children and other friends.

In this modern world, there are some countries which have banned the celebration of Valentine’s Day. One of the countries is Saudi Arabia. In this country, the government has a commission to stop selling Valentine’s Day gift to Muslim couples. Iran is another country that shuns the celebration.

Roses, Chocolates and greeting cards are the important gifts on any modern Valentine’s Day. A small statistic suggests that more than 650 million cards are purchased and exchanged between children from the age of 6 to 10 years.

Statistics show that more than 36 million chocolates are sold in the shape of hearts every Valentine’s day. A Spanish chocolate maker Chocovic has made a seven ton Chocolate to mark the occasion and as a promotional stunt. This chocolate is still an unbreakable record in the Guinness book of records.

Spending on any Valentine’s Day crosses a gross of 13.5 billion dollars. More than 190 million roses are used on that day. Around 180 million greeting cards are purchased and exchanged on that day every

Major greeting card producer Hallmark produced its first valentine card in 1913. During recent years, Hallmark is producing around 2000 different cards for Valentine’s Day.

Wedding and marriage proposals made on the Valentine’s Day are treated special around the world. Wedding on that day will make the day of love even more special.

People who love their pets also enjoy Valentine’s Day along with the pets. You will not believe that around 9 million owners of any pet buy gifts for their pets.

How do you want to celebrate valentine this year?



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