

How To Rock Your Heels Comfortably


Ladies love to rock high heels.  There is nothing sexier than a pair of heels that adds glamour to the outfit and gives any outfit an instant make over. The awesomeness of heels is that it gives you that feminine stride, makes your legs slimmer, and makes you conscious of your movement you catwalk  elegantly, just like a lady. it also gives you that  confidence as you move with your heads up high.

Like an adage that says everything that has an advantage also has its disadvantages,  high heels also has its disadvantages

According to a  recent survey released by the College Of Podiatry, 2,000 women reported foot pain within an hour of wearing their heels. At least 20 percent reported that the pain begins within 10 minutes and a third reported walking home barefoot after a night of dancing. Research also reveals that high heels can be bad as evidence shows that long term use of heels can predispose you to injury.

However, here are some tips to wearing your heels comfortably and perfectly on a regular basis.

  • Start Small: if you are not used to hill yet, don’t just dabble into wearing the 6″ inches, start with a 2-3 inches shoes, become very comfortable with them before moving unto the next level.  Also try out some really comfortable wedges that gives balance and support to your entire feet

  • Practice makes perfect: Walking in high heels could be a huge task initially but with continuous practice and discipline, it could be perfected.
  • Get the perfect size: Don’t allow your shoes to be extremely tight or too loose. Wearing heels are stressful on your feet, so make sure they fit appropriately. Take your time when trying them on. Once you have a pair that you like,try them on and  walk around slowly in the store to ascertain its comfortability.  Remember, always go for the perfect fit

  •  Minimize the amount of time spent wearing your high heels, especially if you are doing lots of walking. Try sitting down longer and not walking around constantly. if you must wear heels to walk around for a longer period, it shouldn’t be higher that 3″ inches
  •  Keep a pair of flats handy to switch over at the appropriate time, in order not to over work your feet and perhaps you start experiencing pains
  • After a long day with your heels, spend sometime giving yourself a foot massage or If you are suffering from swollen, painful feet, soak your feet or run cold water over them for about 10 minutes.


Whatever the case, ladies rock those heels with elegance and pride.




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