

The Truth About Food and Health

food and health

Why are degenerative disease rates skyrocketing in Africa? Because we lack the truth about what actually contributes to disease.
Why aren’t drugs “curing” many of our diseases? Because the human body is a SELF healing mechanism, when cared for.
Even severely and chronically ill patients can heal when truth is put to practice.
That is, when negatives are let go of, and positives are embraced. Perhaps someone with authority has told you something is “incurable”. And you chose to believe it because you thought they knew the truth.
But do you WANT this “truth” to be YOUR truth?
You know what? As we learn, grow, and evolve, our truth changes. Even many of our scientific “truths” are long outdated and obsolete. If they were the final truth, why do we still have problems? Our truth eventually evolves even beyond what science tells us is “truth”.
Are YOU ready to go there?

Stay Posted….



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